The Village of Tijeras and East Mountain Veteran/Family Collaborative to host program focusing on substance abuse awareness and local resources.
The Albuquerque VA, Bernalillo County Behavioral Health Services, AL-ANON Information Service Office, Turquoise Lodge, the Vet Center and Forward Flag will provide information about their programs on March 13 from 5:00-7:00 at Los Vecinos Community Center in Tijeras.
The panel discussion will focus on recognizing warning signs, how to intercede, and what local resources are available. Community members will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Local service organizations and helping agencies will have educational materials and resource pamphlets available.
Los Vecinos Community Center is located at 478 1/2 Old Hwy. 66, Tijeras, NM 87059. The program will be held in the small building next to the main building.
For more information, contact Dr. Circe Olson Woessner at (505) 504-6830.