MAMF’s New Treasurer, Sue Pearson
MAMF’s new Treasurer, Sue Pearson, has 30 years with the Federal government as an Administrative and Financial employee; 18 years have been in the Medical Auditing arena. She is a military brat and the spouse of a retired 24-year active duty US Air Force veteran. During Sue’s affiliation with the military, she has had the opportunity to travel the world, engaging with other cultures.
She holds a Bachelors degree in Finance from Liberty University; she has two Associates degrees in Computer Information Systems Management from Central New Mexico Community College, and a General Curriculum Liberal Arts from the University of Maryland.
Sue’s spouse is a 100% disabled veteran, which has given her a deep compassion for helping people. Sue has served as the People with Disabilities Special Emphasis Program Manager at Kirtland AFB for over 15 years, and currently serves as the Kirtland AFB Blood Program Manager (Coordinator). Because of this, she has the pleasure of working with the Air Force Base and the Albuquerque civilian communities to have blood available as needed.