Looking to Start a New Mexico Group of Former DODDS Teachers & Students
by Circe Olson Woessner
Recently, several former DoDDS teachers came to visit the Museum of the American Military Family (MAMF). They had such a great time going through it, pouring through our yearbook collection, admiring the artifacts collected by fellow teacher Dorothy Cox, and swapping stories of their own years of teaching at various schools around the world.
Since having moved to Albuquerque, I’ve run into several DoDDs teachers who live here. One of them, Betty Follett suggested there must be more living in the state.
She says, “I’d like to find teachers, aides, students–anyone connected to DoDDS in New Mexico who might want to get together once in a while to share our experiences overseas.”
I thought that it would be great to host the first get-together in the Museum’s garden on April 28, 2018 from 1:00-3:00. Light refreshments will be served.
MAMF is located at 546B State Route 333 (Old Route 66), right next to Molly’s Bar, in Tijeras.
Please RSVP to Betty Suva Barron Follett at (505) 565-2451