Talking Service: A Reading & Discussion Program for New Mexico Veterans

Child in service member's arms

Contact: Circe Olson Woessner at (505) 504-6830; Museum of the American Military Family

Contact: Michelle Quisenberry at (505) 633.7370; New Mexico Humanities Council

 Albuquerque, March 27, 2015– In a unique collaboration, the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with the New Mexico Humanities Council and the Museum of the American Military Family to offer Talking Service, a new reading and discussion program for veterans to reflect on their service and the transition to civilian life.  The program will take place in April on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pn-8:00pm. At the Hispano Chamber of Commerce, veterans can come together to discuss military themed readings from the anthology, Standing Down. The discussions will be facilitated by Caroline LeBlanc, Writer-in-Residence of the Museum of the American Military Family.

Talking Service, hosted at the Hispano Chamber of Commerce, is part of a national initiative by the Great Books Foundation and state humanities councils to offer veterans the opportunity to reflect on their service and talk openly about their challenges and future aspirations.  It is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities Standing Together initiative, which encourages humanities programs that focus on the history, experience, or meaning of war and military service.  The Great Books Foundation donated copies of Standing Down to state humanities councils, who in turn provide the textbooks to participating veterans in their states.


Talking Service is free and open to past and present members of the Armed Forces. For more information about the program and how to join, please contact Dr. Circe Olson Woessner, Executive Director , Museum of the American Military Family at 505 504-6830 » Read more

MAMF’s New Treasurer, Sue Pearson

MAMF’s new Treasurer, Sue Pearson, has 30 years with the Federal government as an Administrative and Financial employee; 18 years have been in the Medical Auditing arena. She is a military brat and the spouse of a retired 24-year active duty US Air Force veteran. During Sue’s affiliation with the military, she has had the opportunity to travel the world, engaging with other cultures.

She holds a Bachelors  degree in Finance from Liberty University; she has two Associates degrees in Computer Information Systems Management from Central New Mexico Community College, and a General Curriculum Liberal Arts from the University of Maryland.

Sue’s spouse is a 100% disabled veteran, which has given her a deep compassion for helping people.  Sue has served as the People with Disabilities Special Emphasis Program Manager at Kirtland AFB for over 15 years, and currently serves as the Kirtland AFB Blood Program Manager (Coordinator). Because of this, she has the pleasure of working with the Air Force Base and the Albuquerque civilian communities to have blood available as needed.


Talking Service Poster

 Albuquerque, March 23, 2015— In a unique collaboration, the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with the New Mexico Humanities Council and the Museum of the American Military Family to offer Talking Service, a new reading and discussion program for veterans to reflect on their service and the transition to civilian life.  The program will take place in April.

At the Hispano Chamber of Commerce, veterans will come together over the course of four sessions to discuss a variety of readings about military service.  Each piece of literature from the anthology, Standing Down, is a jumping off point for vets to reflect on their own experiences in the military and returning home.  The discussions will be facilitated by Caroline LeBlanc, Writer-in-Residence of the Museum of the American Military Family.

 Talking Service is free and open to past and present members of the Armed Forces. For more information about the program and how to join, please contact Dr. Circe Olson Woessner, Executive Director , Museum of the American Military Family at 505 504-6830 » Read more

Ribbon Cutting For “Not Forgotten Outreach” in Taos, NM

Not Forgotten Outreach is pleased to announce the Ribbon Cutting of the Not Forgotten Outreach Military Respite Center in Taos, New Mexico, on 06 April 2015 from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.

We invite you to JOIN us for the Ceremony and live music by the Jimmy Staddler Band and good eats from the Farm House Café, who will be providing snacks & refreshments.

The Not Forgotten Outreach Military Respite Center Taos, NM, is a place for Military Families to come together for up to a week free, and help each other reintegrate into society. The “Ol’ Orinda” is a place of respite, calm and peace, allowing Military Families to address their mental health and cognitive needs with others who “walked in their shoes” after returning from war. By providing an outdoor, rehabilitative retreat that promotes peer connection, challenging outdoor experiences, and healing with other Veterans, Active Duty their Families and Gold Star Families.

“Ol Orinda” Offerings

· Taos Veterans Farming Project learn basic skills & best practices for sustainable farming for business or hobby
· Therapy animals
· Lodging, class & office space
· Secluded tranquility with breathtaking mountain views

The Not Forgotten Outreach Military Respite Center will also serve as a central location for Not Forgotten Outreach’s Taos Veterans Farming Project. The 2-acre parcel will be a working Farm, with a heated greenhouse, farm animals and field crops and the Teaching facility for a USDA grant “Beginning Farmers/Ranchers Development Program”.

Not Forgotten Outreach would like to thank Bank of America, University of New Mexico Taos Construction Technology Dept. and the UNM Taos Green Technology Program, Phoenix Mechanical, the Military Families and the Community of Taos, New Mexico for their support is project of creating a home for Military Families in Taos, NM.

Not Forgotten Outreach, Inc. a 501(c)(3) is dedicated to motivating Military, Veterans & their Families and Gold Star families of fallen heroes to participate in recreational and/or therapeutic activities in order to facilitate the healing process. Providing opportunities to improve relationships, build comradeships and at the same time enhance personal well-being.

For Further information Contact Don Peters, at 575-224-1503 or


Don Peters
Executive Director, Not Forgotten Outreach, Inc.

Albuquerque Veterans Invited to Participate in Reading Program

Talking Service Poster

The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce and the Museum of the American Military Family have joined with the New Mexico Humanities Council to offer Talking Service, a new reading and discussion program for veterans to reflect on their service and the transition to civilian life.

Veterans will come together over the course of 4 sessions in April to discuss a variety of readings about military service. Each piece of literature, from the anthology Standing Down is a jumping off point for veterans to reflect on their own experiences in the military and returning home. Caroline LeBlanc, Writer-in-Residence, Museum of the American Military Family, will facilitate the discussions.

Every participant will receive a copy of Standing Down. Call 505 504-6830 for more info, or to participate. Slots/books are limited, so reserve a slot today!




Phot of entry to the New Mexico State Capitol

The “Whereases” kept coming, each one more laudatory than the preceding one as the New Mexico House of Representatives Chief Clerk read House Memorial Bill 28 “recognizing the Museum of the American Military Family and Learning Center and the Importance of the American Military Family.”

HM 28 was sponsored and introduced by Representative Bill McCamley, Democrat of Las Cruces, and supported by several Members of both parties testifying in favor of this Museum which is focusing on experiences such as their own growing up with or being married to a person serving in one of the military services. Representative McCamley cited his own life in the military and the work MAMF is doing as his reasons for sponsoring the Bill. » Read more

Some highlights from MAMF’s very busy 2014:

Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [person].     Benjamin Franklin

We at the Museum of the American Military Family would like to thank all of you who have helped us have a successful and wonderful year. We appreciate your kind words, support and participation! We look forward to a great 2015–

Some highlights from MAMF’s very busy 2014:


-Screened the Documentary Brown Babies at the South Broadway Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM


Created two aprons for display as part of the Womyn’s Work Apron Project in Albuquerque

May through September

Exhibit: Sacrifice & Service: The American Military Family at the National Nuclear Museum (seen by 17, 116 visitors)

Activities as part of the exhibit: » Read more

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